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Nature, 7 February 2019, Volume 566 Issue 7742



Global environmental consequences of twenty-first-century ice-sheet melt


▲ 作者:Nicholas R. Golledge、Elizabeth D. Keller、Natalya Gomez、Kaitlin A. Naughten、Jorge Bernales、Luke D. Trusel、Tamsin L. Edwards

▲ 連結:

▲ 摘要:






▲ Abstract

Government policies currently commit us to surface warming of three to four degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100, which will lead to enhanced ice-sheet melt. Ice-sheet discharge was

not explicitly included in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5, so effects on climate from this melt are not currently captured in the simulations most commonly used to inform governmental

policy. Here we show, using simulations of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets constrained by satellite-based measurements of recent changes in ice mass, that increasing meltwater from Greenland

will lead to substantial slowing of the Atlantic overturning circulation, and that meltwater from Antarctica will trap warm water below the sea surface, creating a positive feedback that increases

Antarctic ice loss. In our simulations, future ice-sheet melt enhances global temperature variability and contributes up to 25 centimetres to sea level by 2100. However, uncertainties in the way in

which future changes in ice dynamics are modelled remain, underlining the need for continued observations and comprehensive multi-model assessments.

Revisiting Antarctic ice loss due to marine ice-cliff instability


▲ 作者:Tamsin L. Edwards、Mark A. Brandon、Gael Durand、Neil R. Edwards、Nicholas R. Golledge、Philip B. Holden、Isabel J. Nias、Antony J. Payne、Catherine Ritz、Andreas Wernecke



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▲ Abstract

Predictions for sea-level rise this century due to melt from Antarctica range from zero to more than one metre. The highest predictions are driven by the controversial marine ice-cliff instability

(MICI) hypothesis, which assumes that coastal ice cliffs can rapidly collapse after ice shelves disintegrate, as a result of surface and sub-shelf melting caused by global warming. But MICI has not

been observed in the modern era and it remains unclear whether it is required to reproduce sea-level variations in the geological past. Here we quantify ice-sheet modelling uncertainties for the

original MICI study and show that the probability distributions are skewed towards lower values (under very high greenhouse gas concentrations, the most likely value is 45 centimetres). However, MICI

is not required to reproduce sea-level changes due to Antarctic ice loss in the mid-Pliocene epoch, the last interglacial period or 1992–2017; without it we find that the projections agree with

previous studies (all 95th percentiles are less than 43 centimetres). We conclude that previous interpretations of these MICI projections over-estimate sea-level rise this century; because the MICI

hypothesis is not well constrained, confidence in projections with MICI would require a greater range of observationally constrained models of ice-shelf vulnerability and ice-cliff collapse.


L1 drives IFN in senescent cells and promotes age-associated inflammation


▲ 作者:Marco De Cecco、Takahiro Ito、Anna P. Petrashen、Amy E. Elias、Nicholas J. Skvir、Steven W. Criscione、John M. Sedivy,et al

▲ 連結:

▲ 摘要:


在本研究中,科學家發現在細胞衰老過程中,L1(也稱為LINE-1)逆轉錄轉座子被轉錄解除抑制,並激活I型干擾素(IFN-I)反應。IFN-I反應是一種晚期衰老的表型,有助於維持衰老相關分泌表型。IFN-I反應由細胞質L1 cDNA觸發,並被L1逆轉錄酶抑制劑拮抗。


▲ Abstract

Retrotransposable elements are deleterious at many levels, and the failure of host surveillance systems for these elements can thus have negative consequences. However, the contribution of

retrotransposon activity to ageing and age-associated diseases is not known. Here we show that during cellular senescence, L1 (also known as LINE-1) retrotransposable elements become

transcriptionally derepressed and activate a type-I interferon (IFN-I) response. The IFN-I response is a phenotype of late senescence and contributes to the maintenance of the senescence-associated

secretory phenotype. The IFN-I response is triggered by cytoplasmic L1 cDNA, and is antagonized by inhibitors of the L1 reverse transcriptase. Treatment of aged mice with the nucleoside reverse

transcriptase inhibitor lamivudine downregulated IFN-I activation and age-associated inflammation (inflammaging) in several tissues. We propose that the activation of retrotransposons is an important

component of sterile inflammation that is a hallmark of ageing, and that L1 reverse transcriptase is a relevant target for the treatment of age-associated disorders.

Super-Mendelian inheritance mediated by CRISPR–Cas9 in the female mouse germline


▲ 作者:Hannah A. Grunwald、Valentino M. Gantz、Gunnar Poplawski、Xiang-Ru S. Xu、Ethan Bier、Kimberly L. Cooper

▲ 連結:

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract

A gene drive biases the transmission of one of the two copies of a gene such that it is inherited more frequently than by random segregation. Highly efficient gene drive systems have recently been

developed in insects, which leverage the sequence-targeted DNA cleavage activity of CRISPR–Cas9 and endogenous homology-directed repair mechanisms to convert heterozygous genotypes to homozygosity.

If implemented in laboratory rodents, similar systems would enable the rapid assembly of currently impractical genotypes that involve multiple homozygous genes (for example, to model multigenic human

diseases). To our knowledge, however, such a system has not yet been demonstrated in mammals. Here we use an active genetic element that encodes a guide RNA, which is embedded in the mouse tyrosinase

(Tyr) gene, to evaluate whether targeted gene conversion can occur when CRISPR–Cas9 is active in the early embryo or in the developing germline. Although Cas9 efficiently induces double-stranded DNA

breaks in the early embryo and male germline, these breaks are not corrected by homology-directed repair. By contrast, Cas9 expression limited to the female germline induces double-stranded breaks

that are corrected by homology-directed repair, which copies the active genetic element from the donor to the receiver chromosome and increases its rate of inheritance in the next generation. These

results demonstrate the feasibility of CRISPR–Cas9-mediated systems that bias inheritance of desired alleles in mice and that have the potential to transform the use of rodent models in basic and

biomedical research.

Tissue curvature and apicobasal mechanical tension imbalance instruct cancer morphogenesis


▲ 作者:Hendrik A. Messal、Silvanus Alt、Rute M. M. Ferreira、Christopher Gribben、Victoria Min-Yi Wang、Corina G. Cotoi、Guillaume Salbreux、Axel Behrens

▲ 連結:

▲ 摘要:



▲ Abstract

Tubular epithelia are a basic building block of organs and a common site of cancer occurrence. During tumorigenesis, transformed cells overproliferate and epithelial architecture is disrupted.

However, the biophysical parameters that underlie the adoption of abnormal tumour tissue shapes are unknown. Here we show in the pancreas of mice that the morphology of epithelial tumours is

determined by the interplay of cytoskeletal changes in transformed cells and the existing tubular geometry. To analyse the morphological changes in tissue architecture during the initiation of

cancer, we developed a three-dimensional whole-organ imaging technique that enables tissue analysis at single-cell resolution. Oncogenic transformation of pancreatic ducts led to two types of

neoplastic growth: exophytic lesions that expanded outwards from the duct and endophytic lesions that grew inwards to the ductal lumen. Myosin activity was higher apically than basally in wild-type

cells, but upon transformation this gradient was lost in both lesion types. Three-dimensional vertex model simulations and a continuum theory of epithelial mechanics, which incorporate the

cytoskeletal changes observed in transformed cells, indicated that the diameter of the source epithelium instructs the morphology of growing tumours. Three-dimensional imaging revealed



that—consistent with theory predictions—small pancreatic ducts produced exophytic growth, whereas large ducts deformed endophytically. Similar patterns of lesion growth were observed in tubular

epithelia of the liver and lung; this finding identifies tension imbalance and tissue curvature as fundamental determinants of epithelial tumorigenesis.


Formation of massive black holes in rapidly growing pre-galactic gas clouds


▲ 作者:John H. Wise、John A. Regan、Brian W. O』Shea、Michael L. Norman、Turlough P. Downes、Hao Xu

▲ 連結:

▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract

The origin of the supermassive black holes that inhabit the centres of massive galaxies remains unclear. Direct-collapse black holes—remnants of supermassive stars, with masses around 10,000 times

that of the Sun—are ideal seed candidates. However, their very existence and their formation environment in the early Universe are still under debate, and their supposed rarity makes modelling their

formation difficult. Models have shown that rapid collapse of pre-galactic gas (with a mass infall rate above some critical value) in metal-free haloes is a requirement for the formation of a

protostellar core that will then form a supermassive star. Here we report a radiation hydrodynamics simulation of early galaxy formation that produces metal-free haloes massive enough and with

sufficiently high mass infall rates to form supermassive stars. We find that pre-galactic haloes and their associated gas clouds that are exposed to a Lyman–Werner intensity roughly three times the

intensity of the background radiation and that undergo at least one period of rapid mass growth early in their evolution are ideal environments for the formation of supermassive stars. The rapid

growth induces substantial dynamical heating amplifying the Lyman–Werner suppression that originates from a group of young galaxies 20 kiloparsecs away. Our results strongly indicate that the

dynamics of structure formation, rather than a critical Lyman–Werner flux, is the main driver of the formation of massive black holes in the early Universe. We find that the seeds of massive black

holes may be much more common than previously considered in overdense regions of the early Universe, with a co-moving number density up to 10−3 per cubic megaparsec.






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